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Low-Poly Character Series

Character Practice

This series of characters was created as way to practice my low-poly character creation. Each character was created off of existing concepts and all made using box modelling techniques. It also served as a chance to further improve my hand-painted texturing abilities across different degrees of stylization.


The three characters are as follows:


Centaur Soldier: Based on an artwork by artist Jake Parker. You can find the original art and more of his work here.


Owl Knight: A character I recreated as a personal project. Based on an artwork by artist ber-yaourt. If you want to view the original art and more of there work it can be found here.


Gnome Sorcerer: Based on an artwork by artist Aeronik over at Reddit. You can find the original art and more of there work here.


All characters modeled, rigged and stress tested in Blender and unwrapped/handpainted in 3D-Coat.

Centaur Soldier


Centaur: 2298

Gun: 361



Centaur Diffuse: 512x512

Gun Diffuse:​ 512x512

AO: 512x512​



Owl Knight


Owl: 430

Dagger: 35



Diffuse: 512x512

AO: 512x512

Emissive: 512x512



Gnome Sorcerer


Gnome: 1236

Book: 120

Staff: 34



Diffuse: 512x512

AO: 512x512

Emissive: 512x512



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